

Didn't appreciate the moon this Mid-Autumn Festival.

I had a three-day holiday for the Mid-Autumn Festival. I had been looking forward to it for a week before the holiday, until it finally arrived. In the blink of an eye, three days passed, and today is the first day back to work after the festival. I am sitting here typing.

Actually, what I was looking forward to was not just having a break, but to have a family reunion. From getting married to having children, I have less and less time for myself. The only time I have is to work and take care of my children after work. I used to stay up late until dawn, but now even wanting to sleep early is a luxury. I have told myself countless times that this is not the life I want, but I can't change it. I once had the opportunity to explore the world, but I made a mistake. I chose comfort, and now I can only sit here and complain to myself.

Three-Day Holiday#

It seems like I didn't go anywhere on the first day. I planned to take my wife and children shopping, but it rained all day, so we only went to the supermarket and bought some food and a few gift boxes. We went to my grandmother's house, who I rarely visit. As I grow older each year, she also gets older and her health deteriorates. I used to live at my grandmother's house during elementary school, so we are still close. I need to write a separate article about my grandmother before I forget. I don't know if I will read it in the future, but I hope to truly understand her. However, with my dull writing, I doubt that anyone can truly empathize even if they read it. On the way back, my daughter kept clamoring to go to the square to play, but we couldn't because of the rain.

On the second day, we went to my mother-in-law's house. We brought a lot of things with us. We had dumplings for lunch, which tasted okay. There was a plate of braised chicken feet, which I wanted to eat but found dirty, and there were also pig ears. When eating, we had to check if there were any pig hairs and smell them. When I was a child, I didn't have so many picky habits. It was good enough to have meat. I made a braised prawn, which was super simple. It started raining again in the afternoon when we were going back home, but it stopped halfway. Was it reluctant to let us leave?

On the third day, we went back to my hometown and visited my grandmother. We brought my daughter with us, and she made the old lady laugh uncontrollably. We had a meal at noon, just like before. I made a shrimp dish, and it was pretty good. We cleaned the house in the afternoon, and my wife helped me organize the clothes in the second bedroom's closet. We washed the sofa cover. Having a wife who loves cleanliness is tiring but also joyful.

My Daughter#

It's been a long time since I last recorded about my daughter. She is almost three years old now and has been clamoring to go to kindergarten. In the first half of the month, I went to register her for kindergarten and told my wife when I came back, "I went to register for kindergarten." My daughter was playing with her toy car on the coffee table and heard what I said. She started running around and shouting, "Daddy, Daddy, I want to go to kindergarten, I want to go to kindergarten." Then tears started flowing, with a particularly aggrieved expression on her face.

My daughter can speak very fluently now and has a strong ability to learn. It feels like she is imitating adults in everything she does, regardless of whether it's good or bad.

Life and Work#

I have lost interest in hobbies and gained a family. I have had a membership with Netease Cloud Music for a year, but I haven't listened to a single song seriously. Until one day, I suddenly wanted to listen to some music while driving, and when I clicked on the daily recommended songs, they were all children's songs. I want to ask, as an adult, do I have such unique taste? When I search for children's songs, it's only for my daughter to listen to. What's the reasoning behind recommending them to me?

Most of my time at work now is spent slacking off, but I will be busy after the National Day holiday because I just posted an announcement and am preparing to bid. Here, I want to complain about my colleagues, but I deleted it because I think it's impolite.

Oh, speaking of colleagues, something interesting happened. My female colleague, who appeared in one of my previous articles (I mentioned her story of buying two masks for 600 yuan from, which were about to expire), found a roommate. And by chance, she discovered that her roommate is actually my middle school classmate and we even sat together. It's really amazing how small the world is. Just like the segment where I complained about my colleague earlier, if he happens to see it, it would be so awkward.
Netease Cloud Music Screenshot

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