

First update in 2023


2023 has already entered July. Let's roughly record it. According to the company's regulations, an extra month's salary is given as a bonus at the end of each year based on the length of employment. After 6 years of employment, the extra 6 months of bonus will be converted into salary. This year marks my sixth year, and normally the bonus should be converted into salary. However, due to changes in management and poor performance, last year's bonus was never paid. In April this year, I finally found an opportunity to discuss this with the boss. The outcome was that last year's bonus will be paid, and starting this year, the salary will increase by 1000 (normally it should increase by 2500). Currently, the workload is not heavy, mainly focused on data collection, and it's manageable if there are no bids. The downturn in major industries is noticeable. There are significantly more young people setting up stalls on the streets this year.


This theme has been used the longest since the Fiddling blog. These days, I've been thinking about changing it, even considering switching from hexo to hugo. However, after searching around, I couldn't find one that I really liked, so my attitude changed. Every time I switch, I end up losing something, so I'll just leave it be.
A few days ago, I set up an email from the University of Science and Technology of China, thinking it was a good thing. Little did I know someone exploited a vulnerability, and the account was deleted before it even warmed up. Fortunately, before it was deleted, I registered for Microsoft's AZ100. I don't know how long it will last, so I'll check back online in a month to see if it's still there.
Oh, I also got an msn email. Someone was selling them on the forum last year. At that time, I didn't like the prefixes available. This time, I registered [email protected], debating whether to use it myself or sell it.
Lately, I've been researching momes, coupled with a Telegram bot for automatic publishing. It's quite satisfying. I no longer use the mini-program I developed before because mini-programs can't directly publish images.


It seems like there was an oxygen shortage some time ago, but I didn't feel much, just a stuffy nose for over a week. At that time, I didn't think it was an oxygen shortage, but one day while scrolling through Douyin, I came across a post saying, "A certain foreign institution's research shows that the risk of herpes zoster increases after an oxygen shortage," and that happened to me that day. So I deduced that I must have had an oxygen shortage. The whole family had reactions at the time. My wife had a sore throat, clearly a cold, low fever, and cough. It was probably the most severe cough in 4 years, and even with medication, there was no improvement.

Sure Enough#

Speaking of it, my 4-year-old daughter, Sure Enough, is becoming quite difficult to manage. She has her own ideas about everything and ignores people at the drop of a hat. Sure Enough's personality is relatively weak. Since she was young, I've been afraid of her being bullied at school, so I've never been very strict with her education, always speaking to her with kindness and patience. Many times, I teach her how to protect herself, how being hit hurts, but the results don't seem obvious. When teaching, she understands very well. I ask her how to fight back when bullied, and she answers fluently. But I doubt whether she actually does it at school. At home, she's become the boss, and I don't know if this kind of education is right or wrong.

This summer is so damn hot.

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